
The Chroniclers


The Postgrad Chronicles is the brain child of Matt and Jamie; two postgraduate history students from Australia. Both medievalists, yet centuries apart in our interests. Within our rambling procrastinatory chats, Matt and I identified a need for an easy to navigate and reasonably comprehensive collective medieval bibliography. This need, we noted, was not currently being met in the world of online medieval history. Eventually our concentrated laziness, and high level of skill in putting things off, was overcome, and we decided that maybe we should be the ones to fill the gap. Add to this our own little reviews of relevant scholarship, some comments on postgraduate history study, and some thematic history blogging, and you have the basis of The Postgrad Chronicles.

Through the blog, we will endeavour to provide a place for historical information, mild entertainment – if you share our…interesting sense of humour – and most of all, resources for the study of medieval history. We have already begun compiling a list of relevant online sources – follow the menu links above – which will continue to grow. The bibliography feature is requiring an extensive amount of work, but you will soon see the lists taking shape – once again check the menu. Wherever possible, we have attempted to create lists that are extensive yet at the same time specific. Due to the nature of our topics, and the range in our studies, these lists will be a constantly evolving section of the blog. We are always open to questions and comments, especially suggestions for either work to be reviewed and included in the bibliography, or even for new sections or lists to be added.

Join us for random nonsense intertwined with flashes of brilliance and an abundance of sarcasm – and somewhere in their you might find something interesting and/or useful!

– Matt Firth & Jamie Gatehouse